Recognize your student for all their hard work this season.

Musical Playbill
The musical playbill is the program that is handed out during our musical production. Over 1500 booklets are handed out over the course of our 4 shows. The playbill is a full color 5.5 x 8.5 booklet.
Recognize your student with a Good Show Ad.
Student recognition ad prices can be found at the Booster Club website store.
Design layout assistance provided.

Theatre Memory Book
The memory book is a full color perfect bound booklet that showcases photos of all theatre related events and productions through out the entire school year. This booklet is a full size 8.5 x 11 full color book and is a keepsake for your student and family. Each book is sold for $25 each.
Student recognition ad prices can be found at the Booster Club website store.
Design layout assistance provided.
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